How to Claim Your CPE Credit

You can claim and track your CPE credit through the ATPE Professional Learning (PL) Portal.

To claim your CPE credit:

    1. Visit
    2. Scroll down and click the “Sign in” button.
    3. On the login screen, enter your ATPE member username, password, and then click “Sign in.”
    4. Once logged in to the PL Portal, click “Browse Catalog.”
    5. Click the “ATPE Summit” category.
    6. Click “Enroll” for each session attended.
    7. From the Learning Center, click “Launch.”
    8. After entering the course, follow the instructions and click “Next.”
    9. Click the “Start” button.
    10. Click on the text box and enter the alphanumeric code from your session, then click “Submit.”
    11. When asked “Are you sure you wish to complete your submission?” click “Yes.”
    12. Click “Exit.”

The PL Portal is an amazing member resource for earning continuing professional education (CPE) credits—visit now to browse our catalog of FREE on-demand courses available to members!

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