Get answers about the 2025 ATPE Summit in Austin. We will update this page frequently with important information and deadlines as details become available, so please check back soon.
Please note: Each individual attendee must personally register for the event when registration opens in mid-February. Local unit and region presidents will be responsible for certifying delegates for the annual House of Delegates meeting. Delegate certification will open in early April.
What is the ATPE Summit?
The ATPE Summit is ATPE’s annual conference, offering members the opportunity to engage in professional learning, network with fellow educators during interactive events, and participate in the ATPE House of Delegates. In addition, the summit offers a venue for ATPE volunteer training.
When and where will the summit take place?
The 2025 ATPE Summit will take place July 7–9 at the JW Marriott Austin.
Who can attend the summit?
Any Texas educator may attend the summit, with special pricing for ATPE members.
How much does it cost to attend the summit?
The event registration fees are $225 for members and $275 for nonmembers.
What is included in the registration fee?
The fee includes access to all general sessions, professional learning breakouts, volunteer training sessions, Beats and Boutiques evening social, two grab-and-go breakfasts, and the House of Delegates.
Please note:
- If you will be attending the House of Delegates only, there is no registration fee; however, if you would like to attend the Beats and Boutiques evening social you will need to add on a reception ticket for $25. HOD only attendees will not have access to any other events or the complimentary breakfast that morning.
- In order to vote in the ATPE House of Delegates, members must register themselves to attend and then be certified by their local unit or region president, as applicable. Delegate certification will begin in April.
- If you are bringing a guest to the Beats and Boutiques evening social only, tickets are $25 per guest.
How do I register for the summit?
Registration will open in mid-February. You will need to personally complete the registration process. You can either pay for your registration in full during registration or ask to be invoiced if you will be receiving financial assistance from your local unit or region.
What is the Beats and Boutiques evening social?
The Beats and Boutiques evening social will take place on Monday, July 9, and is an opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in the vibrant spirit of Austin with a festival-inspired experience featuring live music, interactive activities, and a curated selection of local vendors sure to captivate and delight. Access to this event is included for those who pay the full registration fee. Food will be available for purchase onsite for an additional fee.
Delegate Certification
How do I become a voting delegate?
Delegate certification will open in early April.
If you are a member of an active ATPE local unit: Contact your local unit president to express your interest. Local unit presidents are the only ones who can certify local unit delegates. If you are unsure who your local unit president is or are having difficulty reaching your president, please contact ATPE Membership at
If you are a current member in a district without an active ATPE local unit: Contact your region president, who is responsible for certifying at-large delegates. If you are unsure who your region president is or are having difficulty reaching your president, please contact ATPE Membership at
Who can serve as a voting delegate?
Only 2024-25 ATPE members who joined prior to Feb. 1, 2025, may participate as voting delegates in the ATPE House of Delegates. ATPE members in all categories except public members may serve as delegates. Delegate allotments for local unit and at-large members are based on membership counts in local units and regions.
How do local unit and region presidents certify voting delegates?
Per the ATPE State Bylaws, only local unit or region presidents are eligible to certify delegates for the House of Delegates meeting. Delegate certification will open in early April.
If you are a local unit or region president:
First, register yourself individually to attend the ATPE Summit. Watch for an email in early April from ATPE containing your unique delegate certification link. The link in the email message will be the only way for you to certify your delegates. (You cannot certify delegates from the ATPE Summit website.) If you do not receive the email, please contact ATPE Events at (800) 777-2873 or
- ATPE will provide you with information on the number of delegates you may certify, as well as a list of the members in your local unit or region who are eligible to become delegates.
- Identify members of your local unit or at-large members within your region who are interested in serving as delegates. Ensure they have registered themselves individually as summit attendees.
- There is no certification required for “alternate delegates.” After the certification deadline, if you need to make a substitution for a delegate who is unable to attend, you must submit that request in writing to
If you are a current member but don’t belong to an active ATPE local unit, please contact your region president if you are interested in serving as an at-large voting delegate. Region presidents must certify at-large delegates. If you are unsure who your region president is or are having difficulty reaching your president, please email ATPE Membership at
Who is responsible for certifying a member who is both a local unit officer and a region officer?
If the member is a region director, president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or immediate past president, the region president must certify the person as a region delegate. If the member holds any other region office, the local unit president may certify the member as a local unit delegate.
How many voting delegates may I certify?
If you are a member of an active ATPE local unit: Contact your local unit president to express your interest. Local unit presidents are the only ones who can certify local unit delegates. If you are unsure who your local unit president is or are having difficulty reaching your president, please contact ATPE Membership at
If you are a current member in a district without an active ATPE local unit: Contact your region president, who is responsible for certifying at-large delegates. If you are unsure who your region president is or are having difficulty reaching your president, please contact ATPE Membership at
My local unit or region president is unable to certify delegates for the summit. What should we do?
Per the ATPE State Bylaws, if a local unit or region president is unable to certify delegates, then the vice president may do so instead. If your local unit is in this situation, please email ATPE Events at
Can associate or retired members who serve as local unit officers or campus reps be certified as professional voting delegates?
Yes, they can. Certain requirements must be fulfilled before this is allowed. Please email ATPE Events at for assistance.
Financial Assistance
Is state funding available to local units to attend the summit?
Yes, state funding will be available to eligible local units on a limited basis. The application will open in April once Delegate Certification is live.
Will individual scholarships be available to attend the ATPE Summit?
Yes, any associate, administrator, first-time professional, or professional may apply for a scholarship. Those selected to receive the scholarship will have their registration fee waived for the event. Scholarship recipients are responsible for their own travel costs but may be eligible for additional financial assistance through their local unit or region. Applications will open in February and must be completed by March 14.
How do I make hotel reservations?
You will be able to make hotel reservations online at Housing will open in mid-February.
What are the ATPE-contracted hotels for this event?
The JW Marriott Austin is the only contracted hotel for the event.
Can I stay at a different hotel?
Yes, you may, but shuttle service from other hotels will not be provided.